Philosophy of the Tent:

The best decorating and design takes inspiration from what was once done before. Whether it is in architecture, antiques, art, it all stems from a mix of inspiration and knowledge. I believe it is a duty to pass on and share the knowledge, and by no means do I think I have great knowledge, in fact the more I know the less I know.
This blog is a way not to forget what I have learned and what was kindly passed onto to me by a great many fascinating people. I thank you all.

Monday 31 December 2012

Wabi and a Happy New Year

Paint is especially difficult here as I have mentioned a few times before.  I find a) it is very toxic smelling b) The finishes are not as good c) I don't know the colours as well as I did back home making it a very long trial and error session.
And error I did around this time last year with the sickliest baby blue found on an Ace chart which was very quickly to be changed to Dulux Graceful Green.

With perfectionism brings dissatisfaction and sometimes procrastination in search of the ideal.
The sickliest blue taught me one of life's great lessons, via a dear Japanese friend: Wabi.
She described Wabi as: Japanese aesthetic. Assumes nothing in life is permanent, we are in a transient and imperfect state, and you can seek solace and beauty in imperfection.

I decided to make Wabi my resolution for 2012 and it has served me well.  I will always love quality, beauty, craftsmanship but a little imperfection makes for uniqueness makes for a special kind of beauty and Wabi has made me a lot more relaxed about how I put things together - except for the sickly blue of course!  Still im-perfecting my own resolutions for the coming year, I have until midnight

A very Happy 2013 to you all, may your resolutions be meaningful and good for the soul.  

Framed 19th Century Wallpaper Panel - Large Cherry Blossom at 1st Dibs

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