Philosophy of the Tent:

The best decorating and design takes inspiration from what was once done before. Whether it is in architecture, antiques, art, it all stems from a mix of inspiration and knowledge. I believe it is a duty to pass on and share the knowledge, and by no means do I think I have great knowledge, in fact the more I know the less I know.
This blog is a way not to forget what I have learned and what was kindly passed onto to me by a great many fascinating people. I thank you all.

Friday 27 January 2012

Snob: Sans Noblesse Part 2

Been far too long without complaining, I am French after all and that is what we do best apart from food, wine, Chateaux, beautiful Parterres,  the cool beaches, the even cooler mountain resorts, and pretty nice frocks, bags and shoes.  
Now it would appear that the economy in the UK is doing really well when a British fabric company shows total disinterest in 7000 metres of fabric orders.
Of course there is no point chasing that same company for 800 metres because they tell you they are too busy and short staffed.  Which then tells me that unemployment in Britain must down to zero, what a fantastic job those chauffeur driven men in suits are doing, how wonderful.
All the better then for a French, Italian, and Spanish firm to get the business instead.
p.s: they are very grateful.

For that same company, Colefax & Fowler, where I spent in all 10 years of employment and where I thought I had made a few friends to not even give me the courtesy of a call back is I think 
Sans Noblesse.

Lesson learned for the next project.


  1. Amusing that the same company has just posted a considerable loss in profit for the first six months compared to last year !..


  2. Thank you for reading! If the export dept are in charge who knows where they will be in another six months. thank you for the comment!
