Philosophy of the Tent:

The best decorating and design takes inspiration from what was once done before. Whether it is in architecture, antiques, art, it all stems from a mix of inspiration and knowledge. I believe it is a duty to pass on and share the knowledge, and by no means do I think I have great knowledge, in fact the more I know the less I know.
This blog is a way not to forget what I have learned and what was kindly passed onto to me by a great many fascinating people. I thank you all.

Friday 9 September 2011

Good Bye Mr Parr

It was almost 20 years ago, and whilst I was still quite new at Colefax, the cuttings girl in fact, when I was asked, being French, to help translate a speech for Tom Parr to the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. He had put together a charming collection inspired by documents from the museum in true Colefax & Fowler style. I remember it quite well, it included a most beautifully printed paper called Amelia which had a hand printed Mauny quality to it that is sadly rare these days.

I was absolutely terrified.  TP has he was known in the building - although I would not dare address him as anything else than Mr Parr - was quite a formidable character. He most certainly did not appreciate complacency in one's work and he was usually right. I trembled my way through a few sessions of translation, his French was already very good, and made myself look the part via secret phone calls to relatives in France for all the complicated words. I am sure it was not a cost effective exercise and I remain unclear as to the translation for Curator! 

I only have a handful of memories being only a very junior showroom girl at the time, but all taught me a great deal.  Mr Parr had no time for mistakes.  He understood colour and pattern, light, shade, proportion and all the things that make for great decorating, I would be more than happy to run around after samples for him today.
Telegraph Obituary by Nicky Haslam here

Thomas Simon Parr 1930-2011

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