Philosophy of the Tent:

The best decorating and design takes inspiration from what was once done before. Whether it is in architecture, antiques, art, it all stems from a mix of inspiration and knowledge. I believe it is a duty to pass on and share the knowledge, and by no means do I think I have great knowledge, in fact the more I know the less I know.
This blog is a way not to forget what I have learned and what was kindly passed onto to me by a great many fascinating people. I thank you all.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Shipping Container Hermes Style

Researching converted shipping containers at the moment.  Of course no one does it in quite as much style and seemingly effortlessly as Hermes.  Even the finish of the 'Hermes Orange' paint looks beautifully applied.

The mobile Hermes Silk Bar was in place for a Fall 2009-2010 promotion in Hong Kong showcasing their latest scarf designs, not so much a sales venture but  beautifully executed marketing complete with healthy drink concoctions and DJ's

Sunday 20 November 2011

Nice Knockers You've Got There - part 2

Here are more images from Beardmore of the very beautiful Deco inspired lever handles.  I usually much prefer knobs to lever handles, however I feel converted to these for next time

Saturday 19 November 2011

Nice Knockers You've Got There

Excited to see the Farmer Brothers in H&G this month, they are 1) really nice guys 2) really hard workers and 3) rescued Beardmores which in itself deserves them a medal.

I first came across them whilst working on Park Walk, just around the corner from their shop, during my time at Veere Grenney Associates.  They always had everything, if in doubt go to Farmer Bros, and we did.

Some years later I found out they bought Beardmores, at the time in liquidation, and it seems their venture has gone from strength to strength.  Well done them we need more of adventurers to rescue and keep beautiful, well made things alive and well, and if at all possible more of it out here!  Oh how I miss good craftsmanship and beautiful objects.

I have specified these knobs from the Anthologie collection for a project out here 
Anth 1008